Look Who's Talking Now is the third and final installment in the film series that began with Look Who's Talking in 1989. Released in 1993, the film finds John Travolta and Kirstie Alley reprising their roles as James and Mollie Ubriacco, respectively, and introducing the newly extended family members to the film.
Tom Ropelewski导演的一部电影。Mollie (Kirstie Alley饰)和James(John Travolta饰)的生活渐渐布上正轨。他们的生活日复一日地在照顾两个孩子中度过。尽管曾经是令人羡慕的如胶似漆一对,但随着生活的打磨,他们的感情渐渐趋于平淡。这对夫妻的生活与几年前相比,有了翻天覆地的变化。