Three friends and the successes achieved in their afterlife, due to one of their extraordinary friend.
翻拍自北印度2009年的由阿米尔汗主演的火爆全球,正在中国上映的《3 Idiots》。
电影以两个好朋友Venkatramakrishnan,Sevalkodi Senthil在寻找多年不见的老朋友Panchavan Parivendan aka Pari的过程中展开回忆。Srivatsan是该部影片的反派角色,虚伪,功利,心眼不好。电影通过断断续续的倒序画面向我们讲述了Pari的故事。Pari是名聪明而又不拘小节的学生,他不随波逐流,特立独行,以自己的魅力成功影响了他的两个好朋友,帮助他们找到了自我,学会去追逐自己的心,抱着笑面吟诵Pari的名言“一切皆好(all is well)”的心态面对生活。Pari敢于对教育体制说不,经常打破陈规,与校长Virumandi Santhanam教授的名言“生活就是场比赛,加油去跑(Life is a rce-Run Run Run)对着干。最终他赢得了Virumandi女儿Riya的芳心。
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Romance
Three friends and the successes achieved in their afterlife, due to one of their extraordinary friend.
Director: S. Shankar
Stars: Vijay, Jiiva and Srikanth.
Rated: N/a
Encoder Notes: Ripped straight from YouTube, hence video has Vijay TV Logo. Take it or leave it!
Complete name : C:UsersSuwadithDownloadsNanban.mp4