The story of Shoaib, an underworld don who came to power by killing his mentor and has extended his kingdom with the help of his best friend, Javed, and his former lover, Mumtaz. While visiting the area where he grew up, he meets Aslam, who becomes his protégé.
Once Upon A Time In Mumbai Dobaara (Again) is the story of an underworld don, Shoaib, who killed his mentor in the past (Once Upon A Time In Mumbai) to gain supremacy and is now the ruling mafia king. His influence and power has spread right up to the Middle East, today. Shoaib is now a flamboyant, suave man who is feared and revered. Shoaib's only confidantes are his best friend Javed, who oversees his empire for him and his former lover Mumtaz who is now his closest friend. He often visits the poor Muslim areas where he grew up and it is on one such visit that he meets Aslam. He takes him under his wings and gradually Aslam becomes one of his favourites...